By going here and entering your email address, you will be entered to win a four-day, three-night, all expenses paid trip for four to Sonoma County wine country.
In addition, 50 additional runner-up packages will be awarded. Those packages will either be dinner at Stoney River Steaks for one year, a Foley Wine Dinner for four guests, Decanter and four Stoney River Glasses, one magnum of Foley Family Wine, and two $50 Stoney River gift cards.
To better one’s chances of winning, you can also receive three additional entries into the sweepstakes by entering the code number from a Stoney River guest check on the website. Readers can receive five additional entries by joining Stoney River’s Red Canoe Society (again, all they have to do is enter an email address, except this time, they’ll enter it here). The sweepstakes end Oct. 31, so hurry!